Meet Karmen and Kyle. The Adventurous Shoe, Karmen’s first published children book, is dedicated to Kyle, her ten-year-old son. “Kyle entering my life, allowed me to do something I always envisioned myself doing as a parent, and that’s sharing the love of reading before bedtime.” 

The time shared between Kyle and I, did so much more for me than I thought. It sparked my imagination and his, allowed him to see me caring for his education and development, and created a love for reading I didn’t know I would ever have.

Life is forever evolving and as parents, we must remember that we can always learn something new and be willing to imagine what we can’t always see. This thinking allows dreams to be formed, and once dreams develop, an action plan to making them a reality can be formed. 

“For the record, your dialect and energy are greater than anything I have heard tonight! I tried to word it pretty and politely, but you are the bomb!” – Sorority Sister

“You are so inspiring. You warm my heart, Karmen” – Anonymous Social Media User 

Become a part of the Goody Network by sharing the gift of imagination with a child you love or would like to invest in by purchasing a copy of the Adventurous Shoe today!